Chinese Programmatic DSP Digital Marketing North America Chinese Audiences

New Year’s Resolution for Marketers: Target Powerful Chinese Consumers in North America Through the Wise Ways

New Year’s Resolution for Marketers: Target Powerful Chinese Consumers in North America Through the Wise Ways The Chinese consumers in North America represent a significant and lucrative market in both United States and Canada. With the population of 5.4 million in the United States (source: U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) in 2019) and […]

Brand Marketing Chinese Consumer Behavior Digital Marketing North America Chinese Audiences

Navigating Cultural Nuances: The Gateway to Success in Reaching the Chinese Consumer Market

In a country where diversity is celebrated, understanding cultural nuances has become an essential factor for successful communication—or in this case, advertisement for North America The Chinese Community Remember that the Chinese community isn’t homogenous. A one-size-fits-all approach won’t work, you should segment your audience based on factors like age, generation, and cultural background. Tailoring […]

Chinese Media Behavior Chinese Non-permanent Residents North America Chinese Audiences

Missed Marketing Opportunities: Non-Permanent Resident Consumers

The Statistics According to a recent release by Statistics Canada titled “A Portrait of Non-Permanent Residents in Canada,” NPRs play a crucial role in the country’s population, fulfilling essential labor needs in key sectors, actively participating in the postsecondary education system, and contributing to the Canadian economy as consumers. Despite Canada being one of the […]

Chinese Consumer Behavior Digital Marketing North America Chinese Audiences

Get to Know the Gen Z Power in the Chinese Consumer Market

To better understand the Chinese consumer market, we should never neglect the economic power of the younger generations. Even though they have not stepped into the major income earning stage yet, usually with financial support from parents in Chinese families, they have already started to shape their own styles of living as a significant consumer […]

Chinese Consumer Behavior Chinese Programmatic DSP North America Chinese Audiences

The Hottest Video Streaming Platforms for Chinese Audience in North America

Chinese consumers in North America retain lots of their consumer values as well as media usage habits after they immigrated. They still mostly use their familiar Chinese websites, mobile apps, and video streaming sites instead of the mainstream platforms. When it comes to entertainment, Chinese publishers do a very good job in offering great content […]